But things have leveled out now and he's become a champion sleeper. You will get very few complaints from this Mama now!
To commemorate Sean turning 3 months, we decided that life wasn't hectic enough and started our homeschooling. We are four days in and it has been going pretty well. I'm not a fan of math, however, and after teaching it for two days I passed it off to Eric. Eric loves math and I felt like Hannah had a better chance at liking math if she had a teacher who did. Not to mention I think having a solid foundation of math is so important to excelling in it later. I was concerned that I wouldn't give her that...but it is only the first part of our first year. We'll see where we end up!
After lots of research we chose the Heart of Dakota curriculum. It has a detailed guide laid out for new homeschoolers like me who have no wish to spend hours planning out activities. It basically tells me what books I should buy and pieces it all together for me. So far I like it a lot. And looking ahead it just seems to get better. They emphasize a lot of reading of good books, and I can't argue with that!
We've had a fairly uneventful summer so far. We've stayed close to home because Sean has been such a challenge. There is still plenty of summer left to enjoy, though, so hopefully we can still get out and do that! Here a few pictures to show what we've been up to: