Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Further Interest

That's something I'm very tired of hearing. That's realtor lingo for "they didn't want your house". We've had a fairly steady stream of people coming through our home, but so far we've had mostly "nos" with a few "maybes" sprinkled in there. The "maybe" people want to keep looking and if they don't see anything else they like better, then they'll consider our house. Which means a long wait.

We knew that putting our house up for sale in this market was a long shot, and we also knew it would take awhile. I don't think either of us expected there to be so much interest, so we were very hopeful that it would lead to something. But so far nothing...we have a major flaw in the fact that we have only a "partial" basement, and it too big to be considered a crawlspace, but really too small to be a basement. That is the one consistent thing we've heard complaints about and there is nothing we can do to remedy that.

Please continue to keep us in prayer as we sell our house! Things are moving along on the home we've offered for and it would help us immensely to have a (good) offer on our house so we can get on with things!

On a brighter note, Hannah got to go to VBC this week for the first time. She's loving it, as we knew she would. She's such a social little girl, things like that thrill her. It has been hard for Grace to have Hannah leave her behind everyday, though. I've been trying to use the time to get Grace and Elaina closer, but lets face it, Elaina is just not a whole lot of fun yet! our opinion she is very cute (as are her sisters!)!

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