I've pretty much given up on being punctual. I'm usually content with a "little bit late" versus "a lot late". Before Grace was born I could do all right, but ever since the second child entered the picture...it is an uphill battle.
For your enlightenment, our morning:
I woke up a little late, but still well within the "can still make it" time frame. Grace woke up while I was fumbling with my drawers trying to get my clothes out (they never open quiet when you want them to) and so I got her and headed downstairs. I had laid out her clothes the night before, so she was all set to go (see I am attempting to be supermom!). I got her into her clothes, threw some breakfast on her tray, and headed up to get Hannah. She was groggy and disoriented (so moving very slowly) and kept shaking her head as if to clear her mind (never a good sign!) I dug out her clothes with her clinging to my side (see, I'm only half supermom) and managed to drag her down the stairs. Once I got her situated (she opted to eat in her jammies), I rushed off to get myself ready.
Finally I'm ready and the kids are done eating.I clean up Grace and send her off to play. I still have enough time to eat, so I hand Hannah her clothes and go to get myself breakfast (I don't always get this, so I'm happy when I have time!) A few moments later Hannah comes in with her shirt backward so I inform her and she attempts to flip it. Now it is off and inside out, and so I have to fix it for her before she finally gets it on straight. Eric calls and talking to him reminds me that the van is out of gas. There goes being on time! Now I know that I'll be a little late because I wasn't anticipating having to stop for gas, but I'm hoping with some fast-eating I can avoid being "a lot late".
I send Hannah to hunt for her shoes while I finish eating. After I'm done I go off to find Grace and get her shoes on. I know as soon as I locate her that I'm going to have to change her diaper before we leave. Unexpected delay, but we're still okay. I put her shoes on and head off to the changing table only to realize that her poop has leaked through her pants! So now I have to go locate a new pair of pants, take off her shoes, change her diaper, put her new pants on, and then her shoes all over again. I throw her coat on at this point just to save having to find and catch her again later and go to see if Hannah has located her shoes yet.
Nope...of course not. She has found one shoe and when I ask her if she can go "find the other one" she announces that "she already found the other one!" holding her one shoe up high. "No Hannah, the
other shoe." She looks at me seriously. "I
have the other shoe." I'm losing patience at this point. "Hannah, you need
two shoes and you clearly only have
one. You need to find the
other one." There is no comprehension on that little face, so I head off to find the other shoe myself. I find it and get it put on and then have to battle Hannah to brush her hair. Sometimes I don't know why I bother because her hair is so fine that it looks just as messy five minutes later. But I feel that I ought to at least
attempt for her hair to look neat.
Finally, she's all ready (or so I hope!) so I tell Hannah to hurry and go potty before we leave. As I watch her walk away I realize that the front of her pants is in the back...so I have to take her shoes off and switch her pants back around, then put the shoes back on once again.
I tote everyone out to the van and get them buckled in only to realize that all the chaos inside caused me to forget my keys...so I have to rush back in and get them. I'm beginning to realize that I will be more than a "little late". I will definitely be "a lot late", IF I make it at all.
I finally back out of the driveway and look at the fuel gauge to decide if I can make it to church without filling up...It is on empty, the warning light is on, and with my luck we would run out of gas on the highway and have to be towed...and that would be after the walk I would have to take with the kids to get the nearest phone since I don't have a cell. I decide considering the morning I was having, it was safest to stop now and just be "tons late".
The rest of my trip was uneventful. I got to church a mere 15 minutes late. Considering, I thought that was pretty great. Since I had long since given up on being on time I took my time getting the kids out of the van and felt pretty over the whole situation. And then I hear a little voice that says "Mommy, I stepped in a puddle" as we walked across the grass. I knew that there weren't any big puddles and so I wasn't too worried. "Just watch where you are walking, okay, Hannah?" I tell her. And what does she say in reply? "Oh Mommy, just calm down."
that about sums it up.