Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fair Fighting

This is my 3 year old's new word. Where did it come from? Not a clue. In fact I'd never even heard her say it before last night.

In the tub last night while Hannah was getting her hair washed, Grace's finger somehow poked into Hannah's mouth. It didn't take long for that itty bitty finger to get bit, and what followed was chaos. Grace screaming with shock and pain, Daddy furious that Hannah had done such a thing, Hannah shocked that one little nibble had created such mayhem, and Mommy sitting back in bewilderment...wondering which one to calm down first!

After Daddy had rescued Grace and had taken her off to ready her for bed, Mommy probes Hannah for some answers. "Why did you bite Grace?" Without hesitation came the reply "But I was just trying to fair fight." Come again? After she repeated it several times I came to the conclusion that she did indeed mean what she was saying. I didn't hear wrong. But what is fair fight? I asked her to show me. She reaches up and tickles me! It is then that I begin to wonder if "fair fight" is equated to "play fight" in her head.

Daddy play fights with his girls quite a bit. It always consists of lots of tickling, some tossing of little bodies in the air, and plenty of wrestling and chasing. Since I don't think Hannah has ever been bit, I don't think (at least I hope) that she didn't know it would hurt Grace, but instead was trying to start some sort of play.

Either way, this morning I set Grace down on the couch and Hannah joined her there. Before too long they were chasing each other across the couch, stopping to tickle each other and laughing hysterically. And the whole time Hannah is yelling "Fair fight! We're Fair fighting!" Goofs!

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